The result of the national test-free entrance application for entering senior high schools and junior high schools is revealed. Vice director of the Ministry of Education 陳益興 indicates that the ministry has been working on broadening the scope of the enrollment and successfully let it reach fifty-five percent of all. However, the acceptance rate almost goes to fifty percent only in recent two years. MOE will hold a conference for overall review of testing affairs within one month.
Concerning the issue that some people inquiry why the lecture outline of 12-year compulsory education has not been completed yet which may badly affect the relevant promotion, vice director of the Ministry of Education 陳益興 indicates that it has finished the first-phase connection and integration of the courses for elementary school and junior high school students which takes the students’ academic ability and the adaptive development as the basic spirit. Additionally, National Academy for Educational Research will announce a concrete program for developing the special curriculums in senior high schools and vocational schools in the coming October which may help the schools with dealing with the courses.
3. 配合4月23號世界書香日,教育部從4月起到6月結合各縣市和各級學校圖書館,以「尋找春天的詩蹤」為主題,舉辦一系列讀詩的全國推廣閱讀活動,希望透過讀詩的演講、朗讀、劇場演出和簡訊等活動,使閱讀進入每位民眾的生活,成為打造幸福臺灣與書香社會的重要基礎。
The Ministry of Education will hold a series of poem-reading activities in every school libraries from April to June to respond to the World Reading Day on April 23rd. By the poem-reading, speech-delivering, drama-performing and message-sending, it hopes to lead reading to everyone’s life which becomes a key point of constructing a happy reading society in Taiwan.
4. 新北市立高中職101學年度教師聯合甄選簡章公告,應考人可以從新北市教師甄選系統或海山高中網站下載簡章。新北市高中職教師缺額將在5月4號及5月25號分兩次公告,甄選分兩階段,初試將錄取該科甄選名額的12倍人數參加複試,報名時間在5月8號到5月10號,初試在6月2號舉行。
The enrollment brochure for the joint teachers’ selection for the public senior high schools and vocational schools in New Taipei City is released. The test takers can download the brochure from the selection system or the website of 海山 Senior High School. The vacancy for the teachers will be announced on May 4th and 25th. Twelve times of the number of the final enrollment will be selected after preliminary examination for the final examination. The application will start handling from May 8th to 10th. And the first examination will take place on June 2nd.
5. 因應油電雙漲,物價波動,臺北市政府組成「因應物價波動專案小組」,並宣布包括學童營養午餐、公車、捷運都不會漲價,甚至還提供公共自行車前半小時免費的優惠,替民眾看緊荷包。
Taipei City Government organizes a special team to respond to the recent price-hike and announces that the price of school lunch and the fees of taking bus and MRT will not be raised. Furthermore, it offers a half an hour free benefit of renting bicycle for people’s money-saving.
6. 本年度印度理工學院入學考試有50多萬報名考生報考,其中有17萬人是女性,約占報名總人數的30%,創下設校以來女性報名人數的最高紀錄。根據歷年統計資料,女學生人數每年約占總學生人數的10-12%;造成今年女學生報名人數大增的原因之一,是報名費大幅下降。
More than five hundred thousand test takers have applied for the entrance examination of Institute of Indian Technology in the coming semester. Among the examinees, one hundred and seventy thousand are female. The number takes thirty percent of all and become the highest one ever. According to the past information of statistics, the number of female students takes ten to twelve percent of all. One of the reasons why it greatly increases comes from the huge decrease of the application fee.
轉載自~ 國立教育廣播電台
- Jun 13 Thu 2013 09:43